The group blog for feminists at Hamilton College!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

RIP Molly Ivins

RIP to Molly Ivins, the great Texan syndicated columnist and great tough old broad.

Check out this link to read about Molly's career, and to see a funny video of Molly exposing the ridiculous anti-sex toy laws in Texas.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yes, Men Benefit from Feminism Too!

You gotta love a guy who recognizes how feminism has benefited society as a whole, including men.

From the San Jose Mercury News via AlterNet: "Feminism Brings Benefits to All -- Men Included"

"Indeed, I'll be sitting next to my now 13-year-old son on Tuesday when the president stands to deliver his State of the Union address. I'll point to Pelosi and remind him that this is a historic day. Her rise to third-in-line to the presidency, I'll tell him, is an indication not only that girls and women can achieve their dreams, but that boys and men can do the same."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I heard that!

Hahahaha, this ad is amazing. And to think some women pine for the "good old days" when the homemaker was "respected." Pfsh.

Testing testing...

So here's what I'm thinking... I'm always coming across articles I want to share or things I want to talk about with you guys... so what if we had a blog? I know, I know, it's super trendy and whatever, but they're really just so useful...