The group blog for feminists at Hamilton College!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Okay, *that's* what I wanted to say!

Yesterday I ranted a bit about Laura Sessions Stepp's WaPo article, "Love's Labor's Lost," which was basically a summary of the arguments in her new book, Unhooked: How Young Women Pursue Sex, Delay Love, and Lose at Both. It was a little difficult for me to fully process what pissed me off about this article, but luckily, a review of Stepp's book by Kathy Dobie already said a lot of what I wanted to say.
I think this about sums it up:

The author resurrects the ugly, old notion of sex as something a female gives in return for a male's good behavior, and she imagines the female body as a thing that can be tarnished by too much use. She advises the girls, "He will seek to win you over only if he thinks you're a prize."And goes on to tell them, "In a smorgasbord of booty, all the hot dishes start looking like they've been on the warming table too long."

It's exactly this old-school model of heterosexual relationships, upon which Stepp and other critics of "hook-up culture" base their arguments, that annoys me so much. She completely ignores young women's sexual desires, instead assuming that female sexuality is something to be dangled over men's heads in order to get them to "adore" you.

Anyway, read Dobie's review, I really enjoyed it.

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